Sunday, May 31, 2009

What is permanent and what changes ...

This is one of the questions that always intrigue me. I believe in the sentiments expressed in this great quote:
There is only one thing that is permanent and that's change.
But this quote is a source of confusion as well. While changing something, you need to rely on something else that you consider permanent and build on top it. For someone else, this set might be different. Thus, what changes and what's permanent is a matter of perspective of someone who creates something.

Thus, creators create things from nothing and unleash them. The world then upholds them or not. That means the world subscribes (or not) to the change that the creator has brought about. To embrace the change, we apply some techniques like:
  • The change should solve the problems with current system while doing all the functions it already does.
  • It is more beautiful, which is a matter of taste. But sometimes, beauty is abstract.
Or, you simply think that a change is a breath of fresh air and commit to changing the way you do things even if you run the risk of changing something that isn't broken!

It's this obsession with change that fuels creativity that drives the world.