Monday, March 21, 2011

The Bear, the movie ...

Every once in a while, something that we see makes us dumbstruck, spellbound. The reason that makes us feel so can be anything, anything beautiful, sad, indifferent. The spellbinding effect can hardly be explained in words.

Nature is one such equalizer, normalizer, cold and devastating, dry and soothing, grand and mean, all at the same time. If human emotion/reason is what you savor at, how about the Nature reason? It's wild because it is free.

If you have not already seen this delicate balance and imbalance of Nature's grand, dramatic deeds, watch The Bear. Look no further. Read no further. Just watch it. Forget about IMDB's lowly 7.6 rating. Rating systems are flawed. They don't tell you what you should be watching. When my friend Byron gave me the DVD, I was far from elated about it. When I finished watching it with my 6-year-old, I couldn't move. James Oliver Curwood's tagline

The greatest thrill is not to kill, but to let live.

could hardly be put on the silver screen in a way better than how Jean-Jacques Annaud has done. Hats off to Jean-Jacques and his entire team. Read his story. He is one of those who make you feel proud of being a human being.